Open on
  • E.N.T.   Mon-Wed,Fri,Sat
  • PEDIATRICS   Mon-Wed,Fri,Sat
Closed on  

Sunday,Thursday and National Holiday




2-21-10, Tomigaya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo,JP



We now have "Manjaro" weight loss medication for those who need to cure obesity problems. We have internet reservation system for those with our clinic card number (you can look up at Internet reservation system at right). Unfortunately we are not emergency clinic, so you need to make reservation to see doctor, which mean that you have to wait for your turn.  From July 20th 2022, we can perform PCR Corona exam using Japanese insurance. Our clinic will be utilized with internet reservation system in Japanese (First time- patient needs to come into our office to get ID number in order to use this system). Abaxis new blood analyzer is in our facility now. Abaxsis machine can do blood analysis in just 15 minutes.


Now, kids under 5 can use OAE sytem to screen hearing level in our clinic. New CO2 laser machine for nasal allergy is availavle in our clinic.

Internet reservation

Online reservation system for patients with ID number using Japanese insurance. If this is a second visit to our clinic, please click here  and type in your ID number and date of birth to make reservation (bottom part saying email address registration) or to check waiting list.(sorry only in Japanese available)


To make reservation, you can read the instruction on this site. If you have Japanese insurance, you can walk in without reservation.